
4 tph DZL biomass-fired steam boiler for feed factory

2019-11-03 08:00:00 Font size

Huagang Biological Feed Company was established in 2015 and is mainly engaged in feed processing and sales. Due to production needs, Huagang Biofeed added a 4 tph biomass-fired boiler to the plant to provide stable heat energy for feed drying. DZL series biomass-fired boilers are designed by ZOZEN and Shanghai Jiaotong University based on various biomass fuel characteristics with burning rates, and designed through numerical simulation, rational arrangement of furnace arches, furnace walls, and furnace heat receiving surfaces. In the production of biological feed in China and Hong Kong, there will be a large amount of crop residues, and ZOZEN proposes to use these residues as fuel for biomass-fired boilers. Compared with conventional boilers, the DZL series biomass-fired boilers have a large space in the furnace. At the same time, a very reasonable secondary air is arranged to make fuel fully burned, effectively reducing NOX emissions. The speed control box is configured for it, and then the speed can be reasonably adjusted according to the biomass burning rate to ensure that the fuel burns out with no CO2 emission.